Friday, April 04, 2003 what is it? and just as important how can you tell if you have it? well many men and women who are much better with words than I have tried to explain it with varying degrees of success ; so I will not try to re-write, and re-word thier lines and call them my own, but instead try to tackle the other question. How do you know if you have it. Yes I hear you out there saying ," oh teach me great wise one. spread your wisdom across cyberspace and enlighted our lost souls " ;-). First off I am nowhere near being a cassanova; if I were I would probably have other activities taking up my time rather them sitting here at this keyboard typing. That being said it is easier to say what love isnt rather than what it is. Love is NOT pain, sadness or fear. I am sure some of you might have heard the saying love hurts, well if it does then it isnt love. Yes I know in even the best relationships there are ups and downs, but love is ...hmmm... if you view your life as a roller coaster then love, true love is the cloud floating serenly above it all not affected by the rise and fall of the ride. Love is forgiveness, love is acceptance, love is comfort in even the hardest times. I must restate something hear because it is of great importance to understand LOVE IS NOT!!!!!! PAIN. if someone hurts you and them tells you they love you then there is something wrong there. they do not have love for you especially if it happens repeatedly. If you are wondering if what you are feeling is love it would be good to ask yourself some questions and see if any of the answers you get are similiar to what I have written here. Please understand this is not the be all end all definative explanation of what love truly is. The only one who can truly answer that is God. He created love and there is none more pure then his, but for us mortals what is written hear is a good place to start. Hope your having a good day and we will talk again.

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