Monday, September 08, 2008

I love riding my bicycle. Is it because I have a fancy expensive bike? No, actually it has a few problems; not the least of which I only have about 4 gears that it will actually stay in, the front reflector tends to flop from side to side depending on which way the bike leans, and the back brake won't stop you at anything above walking pace, but you know what? I don't care. I love the free feeling I get when I am cruising down the road. No matter what problems arise in life I can get on my bike and ride and after awhile things don't seem to bad and I am pleased to see more people riding bikes these days. It may be just because the cost of gas is so high, it may be more people find it a great way to exercise, some may even have a car that is not working and that is their only means of transportation. Whatever the reason they are out there and that is good. Now I have started to wonder how to get the most everyday use out of biking; how to best do things like running errands, grocery shopping, taking in the recycling just everyday things. The best all around answer for most people I have seen seems to be a bike trailer. There are an amazing amount of trailers out there. One wheel and two. and most of them are really good quality, but what I am looking at is a day to day trailer. One I can leave hooked to my bike while I run into a store and know that everything will still be there when I get back. I have spoken with some riders who say they have never had a problem with things being taken off their trailers, but I am also reminded of something my dad once told me; locks keep and honest person honest. You put to much temptation in front of some people and they won't be able to resist; so I went looking for a good solid simple trailer that that is lockable and I came across BicycleR Evolution bike trailers they make a good simple design to which you can mount a lockable Rubbermaid action packer onto. I personally own a small action packer that I have carried around with me for years loaded up with books and magazines. I have used it as a stool, a seat, storage, a last minute ice chest and even a quick camping gear storage container strapped to the back of my scooter when a spur of the moment camping trip presented itself and it has always held solid, never complaining and to this day it is still in one piece and fully functional; so I know it will be great on a bike trailer. Now BicycleR trailers are not the only one out there who makes a good trailer but so far they seem to have the best design for a day to day trailer. There are other options out there but I will talk about those another time. Have a good day everyone.