Saturday, July 19, 2003

Hello again and how was everyones fourth this year? Mine was pretty good. Our new apartment doesnt have the premium view of the fireworks that our old one had and I just didnt have any desire to fight traffic for an hour just to get home. so this year with my son on my shoulders I stood in the parking lot and we could see the tops of the fireworks display, and you know that was ok. While I like the big fancy displays and feeling the thundering boom in my chest from the oudest ones to me the fireworks symbolize the freedoms we share in our great country. I know not everything in this country is fair or makes sense, but it is still one of the best countries there is and we still ebjoy more freedom then anyone else; so to me wether it is a multi million dollar diplay or a handfull of people gathered around a lone sparkler I know that this great country is still going strong.

Saturday, April 26, 2003

toay I want to talk about something that is bugging me. its all the new laws keeping someone from modifying some electronics they have bought. The most recent thing I have heard about is modding Microsofts x-box. Theres a bunch of things you can do to one, but in so doing you could be breaking the law. Now why would opening one up and adding a larger hard drive be illegal? you can add a larger hard drive and different software to your computer and it doesnt break any laws ( not yet anyway) so why does it with the x-box? it is basically just a computer optimized for gaming. after all you buy an x-box ( and other things as well) you didnt rent it. The manufacturers should be happy that people find new things to do with thier products. it keeps the demand up and if they see a particular mod that is quite popular then they can add it to thier next product upgrade. come on people where is this going to end? will it soon be againt the law to modify your own computer, how about your car? they have computers in them now. manufacturers please realize that one of the big contributing factors to a products longevity is its ability to be moddified and personalized to the individual person. People are going to stop buying products if they are made to feel like they are only renting it. that its not completely thiers to do with as they see fit; even though they spent thier hard earned money on it. If this continues we may see a increase in rental stores and slowing sales of new products and the aftermarket suppliers will feel the hit as well. PLease understand I am not advocating ignoring the law and doing what you want. we need laws to keep society from falling apart, but lets have fewer of these laws that make people feel as if they dont really own the products they actually spent thier money to buy. have a good day all.

Monday, April 14, 2003

Hello to all surfing through cyberspace today :-) I dont know if you have something similiar in your neck of the woods but here we have something called Cool april Nights. it is similair to hot august nights. and if you are still shaking your head its just an excuss for everone to get out thier hot rods and cruise around and show them off. this year they had some really nice cars and I was lucky enough to find my home on one of the main routes for these wonderufll cars. I enjoyed sitting on my front porch and watching them rumble by. It makes me long for the days my own car is finished. What do I have you ask? well when I went lookng for an older car to fix up I immeadiatly discarded the 50's era chevy's and alot of the other traditional choices for a build up. Its not that I dont like them; quite the contrary I have seen some wonderfull examples at various shows I hae been too; but I wanted something different, and being a proud father I wanted something that would be usable as well. and I found it :-) it is a 1968 plymouth fury wagon with the commando V8 and the custom suburbin package and it is all original, even has the am radio in the dash. I was quite pleased with it and have some plans already in my head for the build up. nothing too radical but I do have plans ;-) Of course this is taking longer than I had expected. Anyone with kids can tell you it always takes longer then expected but it will get done and then I will be rumling down the cruise as well. well I am off my head is filled with visions of my completed car and I just want to sit back and savor it. have a good day all.

Friday, April 04, 2003 what is it? and just as important how can you tell if you have it? well many men and women who are much better with words than I have tried to explain it with varying degrees of success ; so I will not try to re-write, and re-word thier lines and call them my own, but instead try to tackle the other question. How do you know if you have it. Yes I hear you out there saying ," oh teach me great wise one. spread your wisdom across cyberspace and enlighted our lost souls " ;-). First off I am nowhere near being a cassanova; if I were I would probably have other activities taking up my time rather them sitting here at this keyboard typing. That being said it is easier to say what love isnt rather than what it is. Love is NOT pain, sadness or fear. I am sure some of you might have heard the saying love hurts, well if it does then it isnt love. Yes I know in even the best relationships there are ups and downs, but love is ...hmmm... if you view your life as a roller coaster then love, true love is the cloud floating serenly above it all not affected by the rise and fall of the ride. Love is forgiveness, love is acceptance, love is comfort in even the hardest times. I must restate something hear because it is of great importance to understand LOVE IS NOT!!!!!! PAIN. if someone hurts you and them tells you they love you then there is something wrong there. they do not have love for you especially if it happens repeatedly. If you are wondering if what you are feeling is love it would be good to ask yourself some questions and see if any of the answers you get are similiar to what I have written here. Please understand this is not the be all end all definative explanation of what love truly is. The only one who can truly answer that is God. He created love and there is none more pure then his, but for us mortals what is written hear is a good place to start. Hope your having a good day and we will talk again.
Who are you? now I know you are probably saying something like homemaker, geek, salesman, teacher etc. Now go back and re-read that question again. It says WHO are you not what do you do. we as a society tend to define Who we are by what we do. Is what you do really all you are ? or is it just a part of the vast array of experiances, skills and deeds that make up our personality? it has taken me a little bit of time to answer that question myself, but now when someone asks me who I am I can tell them. I am a child of God, an adventurer, explorer, proud father, member of a wonderful family, lover of women, and a dreamer. There are many more things I can add and will add to that as I look deeper into who I really am. It is a life long journey of discovery we are all on. you can just sit down and wait for the end of the ride or do a little site seeing along the way. Mabey its time you asked yourself who you are and really listen to the answer . Take care everyone.

Thursday, April 03, 2003

ewll hello thre :-) it sure has been awhile hasn't it? well I was offline for a couple of months ( a disagreement with the local cable provider. Bottem line I was right, they were wrong but I still had to pay to get back on :-( well I am going to try and update this more oftem. I know I know I have said that before but this time I am going to make more of an effort to do it. some of the latest news is my little boy turned four in march Yeah! and he is exceding all the goals and expectations rhe "specialist" and docters have said he would Yeah!!!! again ;-) he is a strong happy loving healthy little boy and dispite the hearing problems and the autism he is leaning to communicate better all the time. Now I am having to play catch up to be able to keep up with him. Makes me proud :-) well I'm off / hope your all having a good day .