Friday, August 09, 2002

Hello all. how are you tonight? well it is night as I write this. I heard something the other day and I had to write about it. I was sitting in the grass playing with my son and some rocks we were using for cars when I overheard a couple nearby expressing disapproval with my actions; saying what is he just a big child and why doesnt he act his age and stop playing in the grass. Act my age. Now exactly how is one my age suppose to act? Am I supposed to be like those two and ignore my child by not playing with him looking down my nose at everyone else? An I suppose to wear a suit to spend a liesurly day in the park? I don't think so. I think because I am secure enough with who I am and my own maturity I can play in the dirt and rocks with my son; giving him the one on one attention all children need and still stand up straight and conduct myself as an adult when the situation calls. This I think is true maturity; knowing how to be an adult while still realizing there is a child in all of us who just wants to go out and play in the dirt :-) have a good evening all and dont neglect your inner child.

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